Posts Tagged 'improvement'

Better Decision-Making

Better decision making cannot be taught, but can be self-taught. The reason being is that you must become conscious of your decision-making processes, and with practice they will improve your intuition and unconscious performance where you will become unconsciously competent in your decision-making.

We at first are unconsciously incompetent in an activity that we have never done before because obviously we haven’t put much thought or effort in making it a strength yet.  Then, we start thinking more about what we are trying to improve on and we become consciously incompetent in that arena where we are conscious about the activity but not good at it.  Lets say that we are learning how to drive a car that is a stick shift and we have never done it before, in fact we have never even thought about it till now. Now we want to drive so we consciously think about letting go of the clutch with our left foot while giving some gas to the pedal with our right foot and we feel the car die, lunge forward, or jerk back and forth forward getting into the correct gear and we receive direct feedback and learn how to correctly put the car into first gear. After much practice we become consciously competent at this activity where we are thinking obviously about the steps but we got it down now and we are pretty confident that we can get ourselves around without much to oppose. Later, you are in a hurry and late to an important appointment and you hop into your car and blast off to your meeting and you go through all the shifts and get there without even thinking about it and you realize later, “whoa, I forgot that I was even driving a stick shift, I was thinking about what I needed to do the whole time I was driving.” This is the stage where you want to be and that is when you can do something without thinking consciously about it and are pretty good at it. This is called unconscious competence.

Now to move on you must become conscious of your decision processes so you can practice improvement. This is required because as adults we have already created our patterns, if they may be good or bad. To correct the bad and enhance the good habits in your life, the first thing that we must do is become more self-aware.

You must recognize what works best for you, given every person is unique with different strengths and weaknesses.  Then, through challenge and trial, you want to develop your own method. To begin this self-awareness process ask yourself, what am I lacking? What are my strengths? What challenges do I avoid and why am I procrastinating?

Now everyone talks about what the secret to success is and the method in which you can apply that in your life. Well the method you use to achieve success in anything is in itself a secret and can only be discovered by YOU analyzing your own decisions and how you think. No one has the same DNA. We don’t think exactly the same way. Thus, better decision making cannot be taught, but it can be self-taught and there is one simple rule that holds true always: make good decisions and you’ll succeed; make bad ones and you’ll fail. Not everyone performs the same or with even the same capacity to do so. What is crucial that we do then is to find our own way to the top by developing our talents, improving on our skills, and thirsting after challenges to conquer that will push us to our highest level.